Saturday, January 25, 2014

Christmas Show Backdrop - FINALLY!!!

An Empty Gym. 

Gallon jugs of tempera paint.
Rolls of colored paper.  
Scissors. Glue. 
A closet of voting booths lined with canvas.
Satin Banners. 

A few busy kiddo's after school and busy mama's that stayed on for late nights and 
Ready. Set. Go. 

The backdrop for the Lowell Elementary Christmas show:

All the windows line up for one continuous scene. 

Notice the snow flakes?  
Snow flake crystals are formed on multiples of three... thee pointed stars, six pointed, nine, twelve etc...  I think it has something to do with the angle of the water molecules.  So,  I folded them on 30 or 60 degree angle resulting in stars that have either 6 or 12 points. 

A super late school night for Ivory and Sylvan who patiently looked at Christmas books while Adam picked up our new stacked washer...  My coordinating skills are lacking sometimes - but then I thought that this back drop would be long finished.  

The fireplace is a folder that can hold all the windows so everything can be reused in the future. 

One last look at the whole thing.  

A short list of things to bring in the morning: a few replacement bulbs for the garland, stockings for the fire place and we were ready to go. 

The next morning gym was packed.  The kids filed in with mouse ears and reindeer antlers, they sang and danced and the show was fantastic.

See Ivory?

I snapped this one picture.  Decided I would just accept the fact that our camera does not operate well in doors, in low light and zoomed in.  I stuck it back in my bag and enjoyed the show.

1 comment:

  1. It turned out great. Those snowflakes are beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pictures.


Time in Lists

Every morning I make a list of three things that made me happy the day before. A practice I started when life became crazy - and that was a ...